Logo Wiz and Logo Chief

We started doing graphic design for our own businesses many, many years ago. We've always been artistic and liked creating things. We learned as we went along, by trial and error and from friends and co-workers. We also weren't very good when we started, judging by our work as we look back, lol. But we improved, gradually at first and then much more over the past decade. We are perfectionists to a certain degree, so we wanted to be the best at what we did. Using different tools helped and always doing newsletters with Constant Contact and Mail Chimp really helped. As the tools got better and easier to use, we gained confidence and improved even more. We enjoyed it and our customers enjoyed what we did, so it became a perpetuating cycle.

Logo Chief is a tribute to our grandmother who was a full blooded Seneca Indian and one of the first women graduates of Columbia University. She was also a classmate of Jim Thorpe at the Carlisle Indian School. And to our dad who was half Indian and was an actor primarily in cowboy and Indian pictures in Hollywood in the 50's. That is his picture below.

The Logo Wiz is a tribute also to someone special who is a wiz at just about everything. Math wiz, science wiz, super-star parent and the more artistic one. It's a blessing to have a wiz around, someone who is mechanical and can fix things and whose love and support has made life worth living.

So now we've made the time and commitment to using our expertise to help others achieve their dreams in business. Owning your own company is a great way to make a living. We also hope to help managers and staff people who want to produce quality presentations but don't have the time or inclination to do the work themselves. It's fun to help people express themselves and create something that represents who they are and makes them proud of their companies.

We hope we can help you achieve those dreams. Express yourself in a way that resonates with people and sticks in their minds and hearts. Good luck on your business journey and remember the Wiz and the Chief are here to help.

A Little Bit About Our Operation